How to Get Apps on Boost Mobile

 Boost Apps Installs Using Google Ads

After the tornado of developing an app is done, now comes the hard part and that is to garner maximum downloads. Being an app owner or an app developer, you need to ensure install of your app. In short, marketing your app is a different monster entirely and using Google Ads to propel the app presence in the market is a wise idea.

Google Ads is an advertising platform introduced by Google in 2000. Earlier it was known by the name Google Adwords application. Google Ads allow advertisers to display service offerings, product listings, brief advertisements, and video content. Through all these marketing content, the aim is to generate mobile application installs within the Google ad network to web users.

How to Get Users for Your App With Google Ads

Today, we're going to talk about some things you can do to maximize your app installs using app promotion services like Google Ads.

1. Track Everything

Without putting conversion tracking in place, you can't measure the effectiveness of your app install ads campaign. There are different protocols that must be followed between the Android app and an iOS app. Tracking for Android apps is easier, as all you have to do is let Google Play do its thing. (The Google Play store is connected to Google Ads app.)

Tracking iOS conversions requires a few more steps. You'll have to get your hands on the Google Mobile Ads SDK. This is a collection of programming tools that app developers can use.

Whether you use Android or iOS, the point remains: without tracking everything, you won't be able to measure anything. Measuring analytics allows you to show you where you are going wrong, thus giving you the opportunity to make adjustments in real-time.

2. App Awareness

Are people aware of your app? Is your presence known? Imagine a newly-opened business in a town; if those business owners don't let the population know about their business, they're going bankrupt. Setup universal app download campaigns on AdWords, because they're fully automated, automatically increase the awareness of your app via ads, targeting, and bids.

Google takes a lot of the hard work of advertising out for you. Another helpful way is using the PPC auction model, which helps you leverage the ads shown to people – increasing your chances of them downloading your app.

3. Creating a Campaign

Identifying relevant keywords for your mobile app is crucial for creating app install campaigns. This is because putting your campaign on search and display networks showcase your campaign to the people. To get started:

  • Click red +Campaign button
  • Select "Search Network only"

From there, follow the directions AdWords gives you. Creating a campaign for maximizing app installs shares the same meaning as marketing campaigns: to bring awareness of your app to the people. This is why it is important to identify relevant keywords for your app. People who search for your keywords will be directed to install the app.

4. Advertising

Advertising your app on AdWords shares the same premise as advertising your website URL in a national magazine. You have the following options:

  • Search Network
  • YouTube Network
  • Display Network

Anyone of these options will help you target iPhone and Android users on the relevant app store.

All that's required from you, now, is to write an interesting ad copy. (Remember your Sales Copy 101 lessons.) Depending on the budget allocated, Google takes it from here and does what it can to help you.

Writing ad copy makes or breaks the app installation, however. Although you are not directly "selling" any product to customers, you are advertising your product to them. This requires the following basic, time-tested principles of advertising: show people how your product can help them.

5. Mobile App Install Campaigns

The mobile app install ads campaign is a different type from universal app campaigns. It is because you need to create different campaigns per network personally. (Remember: universal app campaigns are fully automated and take out most of the grunt work for you.)

The mobile app Install campaigns are displayed on YouTube, and in search and display networks on tablets and smartphones.

Let's take a look at what you need to do to create an install campaign for the display network:

  • Choose display network only
  • Click install mobile app (which is your marketing objective)
  • Add app by name, ID or publisher
  • Fill out other fields
  • Create an ad group and any ads for the campaign


People are fickle. Getting them to download your app is one of the hardest things for app developers to do. This is why Google Ads has become a popular marketing platform during the past few years.

Utilizing this life-saving tool lets you reach people and boost apps download whether they're on YouTube, searching Google, or using other apps. You have nothing to lose from using Google Ads now – the investment is worth it.

For any more assistance to get app installs, you can comment below and our experts will answer it in no time.

Arpit <span> Business Development Head </span>

Written By

Arpit Business Development Head

He is responsible for marketing programs, brand management, and corporate sponsorships. He thrives on challenges, particularly those that expand the company's reach. Next to work, Shadow, his dog, immensely contributes to his happiness.

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How to Get Apps on Boost Mobile


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